A special request by my church friend Judy Lim, a Nikon Camera cake for her dearest hubby Chak's 50th birthday. It was a tall order for me as I wasn't too sure if I would be able to do it and it really took me quite a long time to complete it. However, was quite pleased with the end result and hoped that the birthday boy liked it .. Blessed Birthday Chak!
'Ai Mummy' .. Why I give this title to my blog? This is the last conversation between Andre and me on Earth .. Our very intimate exchange of words in our daily conversation .., in mandarin " Love Mummy " , he will always say 'Ai Mummy' after I said 'Ai Jing Jing' .. , My most dearest son .. Mummy loves you always!! We will meet again in heaven .. we will , Mummy is hoping that this Reunion day will come .. darling
Monday, May 12, 2014
Cupcake Cake
Evelyne requested for a cupcake cake theme for Emma's 1st Birthday celebration and a bible verse from 2 Peter 3:18
Bible - Revelation 3:20
Baked this cake last week to celebrate Mike's altar team member, David Goh's b'day. Was contemplating to use the verse from Mat. 7: 7 Asking, Seeking, Knocking, when Mike suggested Rev. 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door....Praise the Lord, Ps Yang proclaimed this verse when he gave the altar call at the evangelistic service just before the b'day celebration!