'Ai Mummy' .. Why I give this title to my blog? This is the last conversation between Andre and me on Earth .. Our very intimate exchange of words in our daily conversation .., in mandarin " Love Mummy " , he will always say 'Ai Mummy' after I said 'Ai Jing Jing' .. , My most dearest son .. Mummy loves you always!! We will meet again in heaven .. we will , Mummy is hoping that this Reunion day will come .. darling
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Bible Book Cover - Our Daily Bread
Baked this cake for my 2 sis-in-law Jenny & Grace's birthday last week, their birthdays are just 2 days apart.
I chose this theme "Our Daily Bread" to encourage my SIL Jenny to have a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus... Praise God as she has just accepted Christ @ Cornerstone CNY Outreach.
Bible Book Cover
I chose the verse from Proverbs 14:1 "The wise woman builds her house" for Mike's Altar Ministry Team 4 birthday celebration in May for the ladies - Angelina, Jade & Narin Tang.
Robocar Poli
These Robocar Poli figurines took me 1 whole day to mould them, because I'm not familiar with the theme .. really don't know who they are, so need to google for them to get more details.