Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Topper - mini sewing machine

I saw this was made into a cake, but I would want it to be mini .. will want to make a basket to fill up with cloth / threads .. as suggested by Aleo for one of his dearest Aunt, Mike's eldest sis .., he wanted me to make a bottle of 'Axe' Medicated Oil too .. because during he & Aloysius' stay in her house when I need to attend to my darling Andre .., he noticed that she always use it to rub on her nose .., now wondering .. how to make ?? :P

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Made the weaved basket with barang as suggested by Aleo .. he is pleased with it ..hahaha Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

DONE ! Sis relaxing while making a quilt .. hahaha, Aleo wanted her to have a cuppa drink and hamburger .., but I've yet to make a bottle of 'Axe' brand medicated oil leh .. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. i want the sewign machine
    iw ant the needle basket
    i also want the quilt...
    haha kidding
    but frankly u r realy improving! keep it up yea

  2. Thanks so much my dear ..

    Ok, will make for you .. hahaha , Nov 3 .. right?
