Monday, December 27, 2010

Cross Cake for my niece's bible teacher

Nothing can compare to the joy to know that another member in our family has accepted Christ!

Cynthia is my hubby's eldest niece and she has been a very caring, sweet temper and lovable child ever since I knew Mike .. she loved and had been showing a lot of care and concern to my Andre, he likes this cousin very much and I know that he will be the first one whom rejoice in our family on the minute when she received the salvation.

I wept several times when I read her message to share with Mike about her salvation.

My dearest Uncle Mike,
I just wanna share the news that I'm finally baptised in Jesus name and too received the Holy spirit on the 17th Oct!

The JOY & LOVE that God had always wanted US to have.... I finally understood and came to realise too why sometimes U've tried SO SO SO Hard to spread the Gospel to ALL of US!!!!!

Thank God for all of that.... Thank U for not giving up on US even when we seem not to understand why U had to do that..... Bless the LORD....

And our little angel up there..... he'll oversee us and like what U've chosen that verse on him.... I'll always remember how Andre had brought Christ to ur life and saved all of US with his faith and love in Jesus even during his last days here.

Thank You once again..... My dearest Uncle Mike..... May God bless U and ur family! And too I'll bring the LOVE and JOY of GOD to my loved ones too!

Have a blessed week ahead:)
Cynthia.... .

Hence, when she asked if I could bake a birthday cake for her bible teacher Samantha whom I met on my SIL's birthday lunch, I happily agreed and chosen a verse from "Proverbs 31:28 - her children arise and call her blessed" to thank her for what she has done in my niece's life.

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