William is my return customer and I always enjoy baking & decorating cakes for his princes as he just leave the design to me entirely, I was so happy to know that little Aiden loves the cake very much :D
Friday, December 19, 2014
Soaring High at 50!

Specially baked a pandan coconut cream cake for my dearest BIL who always appreciates my bakes.. and always there for his family especially readily attending when mum needed to make umpteen trips to SGH. Thank you so much bro and Happy Blessed Birthday!
Xue Mei's 18th birthday cake

My sweetie Xue turned 18 and I was so happy to be able to bake and design a cake specially to bless her on that day because she is so so so special , she requested for the colour theme to be Red, Black, Gold & White with a touch of Oriental feel ..
She happily collected it in the afternoon, but cake horror began ... received call from Xue that the No. "1" cracked, the melting black and red fondant, cracks appearing! The Wilton fondant yielded to the highly humid weather! I knew that my sweetie was very stressed and upset so I asked Mike to pick up the cake and bring back so that I might salvage it ( It was already nearly 5pm). .. We took down and peeled off the fondant from the 3 cakes, clean up all the melted mess and covered with new fondant to give it a new look

MY SWEETIE FINALLY ABLE TO CELEBRATE HER 18TH BIRTHDAY WITH A CAKE! I was so pleased with the totally different look and surprised myself to have it done within 2 1/2 hour .. of course, with the help from my dearest dear2
Credit of both photos edited by my dearest niece
Bible - Proverbs 3:6
B'day celebration for 3 brothers in Christ, Alfred, Andrew & Richard, in Mike's company. Chose the theme of road (path) for the cover of the Bible cake and the verse in Prov. 3:6 to remind ourselves that He is in control all the times.
Cakes - 3D Carved Cakes,
Cakes - Christian
Bible - Living Stones
This Living Stones bible cake was made last week to bless Mike's Altar Ministry members - Alvin, Eric, Laura & Sunny 's combined birthday celebration for Oct & Nov
Cakes - 3D Carved Cakes,
Cakes - Christian
Dentist's cake
My church member Vivien who is also my dentist requested me to make a cake to celebrate her mum's 60th birthday, btw her mum & dad are dentists too
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Baby TV
This baby TV cake will be the last cake before going for a break due to personal health issue, wondering if it was the reason that motivated me, I finished decorating it at a super fast speed ... hahahaha
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Little Daron's baby Sesame Street cake
I enjoyed making these 3 babies becoz they seem to be enjoying playing with the musical instruments and was glad that mummy Dorothy loves it :D
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sesame Street theme
As for me .. Ernie & Bert were not so easy to replicate, but worth the effort when Geraldine & Jimmy came to collect the cake for little Kayla's 2nd birthday cake, and they love how they look.
Design were given to me but I did some modification to it and am glad it still look as lovely
Bible Cake
As I was looking for a cake theme for Mike's prayer grp members for this month, I was inspired by the word "discipleship".
Mike gave me an idea to make a lift door as the bible cover & I came out with a "under maintenance" signage for bro Peter becos he is a Maintenance engineer and sis Ruth is a young Christian.
This time I baked a Lavender Citrus cake and glad that they really loved it.
Magic Faraway Tree
Upon request by my dearest younger sis' .. this cake theme was based on Enid Blyton's Magic Faraway Tree .. I didn't read this book so had to Google search to get more inspiration for the cake
Monday, September 1, 2014
Luggage & Handbag Bible cover cake
I was so so so honoured to be able to bake a birthday cake for Rev. Sylvia Evans, the request came from sis Maureen rather late .. this was to surprise her during service, but praise God that I was still able to make it despite my tight schedule this week , I worked till midnight to complete this cake and it's so worth it .. Thank God!
Elements on the cakes were suggested by sis Marve , the word was given by Ps Tim to be written on the luggage tag, I did the numeric 74 & high heel shoe freehand without template and am quite pleased with them Gumpaste roses were not done by me because I really don't have time to make them
Ninjago Cake
Little Ezra wanted a Ninjago cake for his 6th birthday .. design was given by mummy Mavis and I just did little changes to it
Bible Cake

This bible cover lamp cake was baked to bless sis Joanne during CGM last thurs ( 28 Aug ), and was really glad that she likes the design & the cinnamon banana cake
Bible Cake

I baked & designed this cake on last tues (26 Aug) for Mike to bless his office prayer group - sis Jo Sim & Jo Loo's birthday, but Jo Loo was on mc that day.
I was happy to know that they love the almond macadamia butter cake and the design as well
Bible Cake

Celebrating Mike's newest Altar Ministry member, Xing Juan's birthday today after 1st service.
Cakes - 3D Carved Cakes,
Cakes - Christian
Butterfly theme cake

It's an honour to be able to bless the Filipino congregation 9th anniversary celebration with my cake at my church - Cornerstone Community Church Singapore.
Now I know why wedding cakes are so expensive, this 5 tier cake really exhausted me!!!
Precious Moment

A tropical hula theme for this PM cake as requested by Mavis for a sweet sweet baby Faith's 1st Birthday :D
Thomas & Friends

Elisabeth wanted this Thomas & Friends theme cake design that she found in one of my cakes for her little prince Lloyd's 2nd birthday cake :D
Friday, August 8, 2014
Veggie Tales - Jonah
haha .. another sweet heart of mine - little Ezekiel wanted a veggie tales Jonah theme this year for his 4th birthday cake to celebrate in school
It's an oreo butter cake within and glad that sis Kum Angel told me that he likes the design.
the little handsome birthday boy Ezekiel!!! hahaha he received a kiss from the gal next to him and he was so shy that he quickly wiped his face after that .. just too cute!
so happy to know that he and the class & teacher love the cake
Blessed Birthday Ezekiel darling !
so happy to know that he and the class & teacher love the cake
Blessed Birthday Ezekiel darling !
Little Rachel had finally decided on the Frozen theme!
It's so popular but I've never watch it before but I really enjoyed making this theme
Glad to know that she loves the cake
Blessed Birthday my little sweetie ! —
It's so popular but I've never watch it before but I really enjoyed making this theme
Glad to know that she loves the cake
Blessed Birthday my little sweetie ! —

This is so rewarding to see the little kids enjoying the cake and of course .. especially love to see Rachel's happy face
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Potato Chip Cake

An impromptu suggestion by Mike to bake a cake to bless bro Allan Lee on his birthday, as we will be going to learn to make belgian praline chocolate at Baking Studio.
Knowing that he really likes to try out special flavoured snacks, I decided to make him a Japanese Party Pizza potato chip cake. So glad that he liked the look but got to hear from him whether he enjoys the tiramisu cake within.
Cakes - 3D Carved Cakes,
Cakes - Food
Pizza cake

made a mini pizza cake while Aleo was at home playing pc game with his classmate, got to be very fast as I was worried that he will come out from the room.
Also made his fav tiramisu early in the morning for his birthday snack
Blessed 16th birthday to my super cute and lovely son, may our Lord bless you exceedingly abundantly above all that you asked of Him according to Hispower that works in us. Continue to shine for Him. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen
Medicine Pill Bottle Cake

a belated b'day celebration for Mike's Altar Team leader, Andrew Chow Wen Hann after 1st svc in church.
I was inspired to carve a medicine pill bottle bible cake design I saw online and chose the scriptures, Prov. 4:22 and Mat. 19:14 as bro Wen Hann is a doctor.Noah's Ark

1 of my fav theme - Noah's Ark for Ps Andrew Yeo & sis Lynette Yeo's twins, Matthew & Elianna's 1st Birthday cake
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Longevity Noodle Cake - Agar2
Agar2 longevity noodle bowl cake for my dearest mum's birthday; really happy that she liked it and she's actually looking forward to my cakes every year
I pray Father for Your blessings to be upon my mum, bless her with good health, protect and watch over her every move, lead her into salvation. Amen!
Twinkle Star cake
Jessie sent me several cake pics on twinkle star theme because her little gal as the meaning of her name is 'Star', and decided on this design with some changes for her sweet princess Estelle's 1st birthday cake.
Emoji Poop cake
a very last minute request by my youngest son Aleo - his cell members asked if I can help to make a poop cake to bless Chi Koon and Aleo suggested for an emoji poop !
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Lion King cake
1st time moulding Lion King characters were not easy for me, need to google search to find out who they are .. hahaha, becoz I didn't watch the movie
mummy Pam requested for that Rafiki & Simba to sit on the pride rock, again .. this is challenging to me .. I don't know what was it either, hahahaha thank God that little Trivin was very happy and likes the cake very much.
mummy Pam requested for that Rafiki & Simba to sit on the pride rock, again .. this is challenging to me .. I don't know what was it either, hahahaha thank God that little Trivin was very happy and likes the cake very much.
Agar2 Snoopy cake
had so much fun making a snoopy agar2 cake to bless sis Julie on her birthday today , though it took me many hours to complete it .. so worth it to see the expression on her face.
Blessed Birthday Julie !
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Bible cover
made a simple bible book cover cake to bless our cell member - bro Henry's birthday during our cell group meeting
just a very simple brownie cake to the nephew I love most, brought it to my sis' house yday before they leave for a short trip today as he's not celebrating his 21st birthday.
My sweetie Marcus, I pray to God that He will bless you and gives you strength to have positive thoughts and give you success in your life.
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling ..." Ephesians 1:18
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Bible Cover Cake - 2 Corinthians 9:8
baked a Lemon Butter Cake and decorated it in a Hermes bag Bible cover design since we will be celebrating 4 ladies' birthday from Mike's Altar Ministry today in church.
I've chosen the verse from 2 Corinthians 9:8 to remind us of our God's abundant love, blessings and grace for us to be able to bless others with what we received freely from Him.
Our 4 lovely birthday gals from Altar Ministry Team 4 - Jade, Narin, Angelina and Jenny.
Our 4 lovely birthday gals from Altar Ministry Team 4 - Jade, Narin, Angelina and Jenny.
Cakes - Book,
Cakes - Christian,
Cakes - Handbag
This cake stressed me out quite a fair bit .. it's not easy to cover a ball .. not to mention that i need to cover so many of them
Bible Cover Cake - Psalm 27:14
A last minute request by Mike to bake a cake for today's birthday celebration in office today. Blessed Birthday sis Geraldine, may our Lord shower His blessings on you and keep you healthy
Monday, May 12, 2014
Nikon Camera
A special request by my church friend Judy Lim, a Nikon Camera cake for her dearest hubby Chak's 50th birthday. It was a tall order for me as I wasn't too sure if I would be able to do it and it really took me quite a long time to complete it. However, was quite pleased with the end result and hoped that the birthday boy liked it .. Blessed Birthday Chak!
Cupcake Cake
Evelyne requested for a cupcake cake theme for Emma's 1st Birthday celebration and a bible verse from 2 Peter 3:18
Bible - Revelation 3:20
Baked this cake last week to celebrate Mike's altar team member, David Goh's b'day. Was contemplating to use the verse from Mat. 7: 7 Asking, Seeking, Knocking, when Mike suggested Rev. 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door....Praise the Lord, Ps Yang proclaimed this verse when he gave the altar call at the evangelistic service just before the b'day celebration!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Angry Bird
My brother came back from Hong Kong for a short break, asked if I could make a small Angry Bird for him to bring back to HK to bless his boss' daughter .. of course I will not reject him :D
Bible Cake
baked a coffee marble buttercake for Mike to bring back to office to bless his company prayer group member sis Wei Ping.
Cakes - 3D Carved Cakes,
Cakes - Christian
Minions with Lego Cake theme
Hui Ling has been very kind to me, she will always just leave the design to me after giving me a theme to work on, was so happy that she told me that Sean likes the design :D
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