Janice told me that she wanted Peko-Chan for Letitia's 2nd Birthday cake for this year, she requested her cake to be bright and colourful.
I went to google search to find out more about this character and found out that it is actually an advertising mascot for Fujiya Co., (不二家) a famous Japanese confectionery company, which is forever a 6 year old girl in pigtails with her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.
"san" and "chan" Name Suffix
Japanese people append the suffix "chan" (as in Peko-chan) to the names of close friends and family members as an expression of fondness and familiarity. This same suffix is also commonly applied to the names of children. Males sometimes receive the more masculine suffice "kun" (as in Poko-kun). Adults invariably receive the suffice "san" which indicates polite respect on the part of the speaker ("san" is rarely used with children).
Japanese people append the suffix "chan" (as in Peko-chan) to the names of close friends and family members as an expression of fondness and familiarity. This same suffix is also commonly applied to the names of children. Males sometimes receive the more masculine suffice "kun" (as in Poko-kun). Adults invariably receive the suffice "san" which indicates polite respect on the part of the speaker ("san" is rarely used with children).

Hi Kellie, I am looking for a cake for my boy's 1 yr bdae next yr at around 30 or 31 Jan. I would like to enquire about your pricing. Can you contact me at huiyin.lee@gmail.com. Thank you.
Hi HuiYin, thanks so much for your enquiry but I'm not able to take orders which are too near to CNY, so sorry :)
Thank you,
Hi Kellie, my boy's 1st birthday is on 21st Aug. Was wondering if you r able to take any orders for that date? Thanks
U can drop me a mail @ magpng@singnet.com.sg
Hi Mag, thanks so much for your enquiry but I'm unable to take this order as it is too near to my youngest boy's prelim exam.
Hi Kellie,
Just thot I'd try asking u anyway. In case..
My son's bday is on 20th sept. Any chance?
Btw, all the best preparing for ur son's prelims and exams!
God bless,
Hi Jelaine, thanks for your well wishes for my boy's exam :D
So sorry but it's very close to his PSLE date, can't take orders :)
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