Blessed Birthday to Samantha, Jeremy, Heng Lee & Michael Hoe

'Ai Mummy' .. Why I give this title to my blog? This is the last conversation between Andre and me on Earth .. Our very intimate exchange of words in our daily conversation .., in mandarin " Love Mummy " , he will always say 'Ai Mummy' after I said 'Ai Jing Jing' .. , My most dearest son .. Mummy loves you always!! We will meet again in heaven .. we will , Mummy is hoping that this Reunion day will come .. darling
Mike and I had wanted to bless him too, so suggested them to buy him a gift instead :)
I made a suitcase topper because he will be flying to USA to meet sis Joanne soon, with an India tag because he is also serving as a missionary there & a USA tag .. along with his favourite fruits . BLESSED BIRTHDAY Pastor Tim.